Presenter Instructions

Authors of all accepted papers, posters, and demos should prepare a talk video by April 15th. The maximum length of the video should be:

  • For paper presentations: 12 minutes
  • For Posters / Demos: 5 minutes

Note that these videos should include a record of your narration, as you will not be speaking live when your video plays.

In the coming weeks, we will e-mail all authors with links to upload videos, and instructions on how the virtual sessions and Q&A will be organized. Meanwhile, as you prepare your videos, please take note of the format guidelines and tips below.

Video Guidelines

Please ensure your videos conforms to the following guidelines

  • Your video must be an MP4 file. It should not be in AVI, MOV, or WMV formats. Please do not simply rename the file to MP4, you need to re-encode / re-mux the video file to MP4. Files in other formats may not be streamed properly.
  • We strongly suggest that you use H264 encoding for your MP4 files (this is the default in most MP4 encoders).
  • A 1920x1080 resolution is strongly preferred. If your video is not at this resolution, it will be resized before being streamed / uploaded during the live event (with padding, if the video's resolution is not in a 16:9 format).
  • The video file should not be longer than the time-limit of your talk (12 minutes for papers and 5 minutes for posters/demos exactly). If it is longer, it will be truncated to that length. It is fine if the video is shorter.

Tools & Tips

  • Both Powerpoint and Keynote (see docs on audio-recording and exporting) should be able to turn your presentations into videos with narration/voice-over. Note that these will create WMV or MOV files that you must re-encode as MP4 (see below).
  • Alternatively, you can use software that supports screen and microphone capture (VLC, Snagit, OBS Studio), along with slides created using any presentation software.
  • If the software you use gives you a file that is not in the MP4 format, you must convert / re-encode it. You may be able to do this using YouTube (upload and then download), or using FFMPEG (e.g., ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:a aac -c:v libx264 -crf 16 -preset slow output.mp4).