Camera-Ready Instructions (Proceedings)
Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper to ICCP proceedings. The deadline for preparing and uploading your camera-ready is March 22, 11:59 PM (PDT). Please read through the following detailed instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the program chairs at
TODO By March 22
- Prepare a PDF of the final camera-ready version of your paper, with author names and bios, no page numbers, and a hard limit of 12 pages and 30 MB.
- Verify the paper PDF using PDF eXpress.
- Upload the verified PDF and supplementary (limit 100 MB) to CMT, following file name conventions.
TODO after March 22
- Await instructions on completing your copyright transfer form.
Detailed Instructions
Prepare Paper Camera-ready PDF
- Edit your paper .tex file to change the line \peerreviewtrue to \peerreviewfalse.
- Add \pagestyle{empty} in the header before \begin{document} and a \thispagestyle{empty} immediately after the \maketitle command to create a PDF without page numbers.
- Make sure authors are listed with affiliations in the \author{ } command. Also fill out author bios with photographs at the end of the document (in the IEEEbiography section).
- Note that you can change the author order, but can not add or delete authors. If the author order is different from the one specified during your submission, you will have to indicate so in the camera-ready form below. We will then edit the author order to match the order in your camera-ready PDF.
- Your entire camera-ready PDF (including references, any acknowledgments, and author bios) should be within 12 pages.
- There is a hard limit of 30 MB for the size of your PDF file. However, we strongly recommend keeping it under 10 MB. If your paper is larger than this, you are probably using very large images in your figures. As a rule, your images will look fine at 600 pixels per inch and you should down-sample the images used in your figures accordingly. Smaller PDF files are also validated more quickly by PDF eXpress.
Validate your PDF using PDF eXpress
- Login to PDF express: The conference ID is: 48838X
- If you have not used PDF eXpress before, you must create an account. Click the "New User" button and follow the instructions. If you have used PDF eXpress for a previous conference, you can log in using your previous email address and password; it will then ask you to create an account for this conference by entering a password — it can be the same password. Verify (and update if necessary) your contact information and click "Submit". Once you have an account, you can login as often as you need to process all of your papers.
- Create a new title for each paper that you are submitting.
- Submit the PDF file you wish to validate. PDF eXpress will digest the submitted file and send you an e-mail with the validation result, or the validated PDF, as appropriate.
- Repeat step 4 until you are satisfied with the result. You need to upload the certified version of the file generated by PDF eXpress to CMT (when you look at PDF properties for the file, the "Creator" tag will include this certification message).
- Go to step 5 to process your other papers.
A primary source of failure in validating a PDF file is the use of non-embeddable fonts in figures. Make sure that your paper uses embeddable fonts for the main text of the paper as well as the figures, figure captions, references, footnotes, etc. Another source of failure is the line in the LaTeX source file that includes the hyperref package. If you are having difficulty, you may want to comment out this line. If you have further trouble with IEEE PDF eXpress, contact
Upload your Camera-Ready Files to CMT
- Login to the CMT paper collection site at
- In the CMT Author Console, your accepted paper(s) will appear with a "Create Camera Ready Submission" link in the "Actions" column. Click on this link to take you to the camera-ready submission page for your accepted paper.
- Update/correct (if necessary) the paper title and abstract to match your camera-ready submission. Please ensure that the abstract is updated with your most recent version and that it is submitted as plain text without any LaTex (or other form of) markup.
- If you have changed the author ordering (in your paper PDF) from the original submission, please indicate so in the form.
- The name of your camera-ready submission must be in the form XXX.pdf where XXX is the three-digit paper ID (zero-padded if necessary). For example, if your paper ID is 24, the filename must be 024.pdf. Rename your camera-ready PDF file that was validated by PDF eXpress and upload it (and optionally a supplemental file) to CMT.
- If you wish to provide supplemental material, the file name must be in the form XXX-supp.pdf or, where XXX is the zero-padded, three-digit paper ID as used in step 5 above. Upload your supplemental file on the "File Upload" page as a single PDF or ZIP file of 100 MB in size or less (although we strongly recommend limiting it to < 30 MB).
- For a file larger than 100 MB, please upload a PDF file containing a downloadable link to the larger supplemental material file.
- Only PDF and ZIP files are allowed for supplemental material. You can put anything in this file—movies, code, additional results, accompanying technical reports—anything that may make your paper more useful to readers.
- If your supplemental material includes video or image data, you are advised to use common codecs and file formats. This will make the material viewable by the largest number of readers (a desirable outcome).
- If you are uploading a ZIP file, we recommend having a README file in the archive describing the contents.
Copyright Upload after Camera-Ready Deadline
Please await further instructions on completing the copyright transfer to ICCP after the camera-ready deadline. You will need to complete this step in roughly a week after March 22nd. Note that a paper can not appear in the conference proceedings until you complete this step.